
Speedometer SUBARU Sambar 2015 EBD-S510J 83800B5460

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Speedometer SUBARU Sambar 2015 EBD-S510J 83800B5460


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Genuine No. 83800B5460


Condition Used
Model Sambar
Product Name Speedometer SUBARU Sambar 2015 EBD-S510J 83800B5460
Model Code EBD-S510J
Reg. Year/month 2015/7
Mileage 51471
Mission Type -
Engine Model KF-VE
Engine Size 660
Fuel Gasoline
Drive 4×4
Auto Parts Maker -
Genuine Parts No. 83800B5460


Is with analog, an air bag, and is belonging to ABS, tachometer nothing, automatic, 4WD


  • Import duties, taxes and handling fees are not included in the price and must be paid by customers.
  • Some air shipping carriers may charge an additional fee.
  • The picture shown above may differ from the actual product. For the actual specifications, please contact us.
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